


Tokyo, 1998

Japanese restaurant planned by SIMPLICITY, "HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo" in Meguro Tokyo.


Yakumo Saryo

Tokyo, 2009

Japanese restaurant planned by SIMPLICITY, "Yakumo Saryo" in Meguro Tokyo.

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

House in Oike

Fukuoka, 2013

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

Yamauchi Ladies Clinic

Ehime, 2013

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

House in Amamioshima

Kagoshima, 2013

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

Miyamoto Eye Clinic

Fukuoka, 2013

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

Kikuchi Eye Clinic

Fukushima, 2014

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

Hitachino Orthopedic Clinic

Ibaraki, 2014

Architectural Lighting Group (ALG)

Toshima Ward Office New Building (Toshima…

Tokyo, 2015

【プロジェクト】としまエコミューゼタウン from



東京, 2015



東京, 2012

敷地13.3坪(44.12㎡)、各階の面積は一番広い階でも28.79 ㎡。 このような条件の場合必要な部屋を、容積いっぱいに確保したくなりますが、ちいさいからこそなおさら、遊びや豊かさを感じられる可変性のある空間を作り出すことが、大切になります。 ...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.


Gunma, 2007

In conjunction with the remodeling of the bedrooms, we planned the overall interior renovation, mainly using LED lighting. Specifically, ...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Byodoin Phoenix Hall

Kyoto, 2014

Phoenix Hall was erected in 1053, and recently finished the large scale repair of Heisei-era from 2012 to 2014. This repair covered the...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

The LCCM (Life Cycle Carbon Minus)…

Ibaraki, 2011

A lighting plan for a Life Cycle Carbon Minus (LCCM) demonstration house was conducted by the Architectural Institute of Japan. In the li...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Chuson-ji Konjikido & Sankozo

Iwate, 2012

Chuson-ji Konjikido LED lighting project: We were in charge of the lighting plan for the Chuson-ji Konjikido LED lighting project, a soci...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Proud City Ikebukuro Honcho

Tokyo, 2011

We planned the exterior and exterior lighting for Proud City Ikebukurohoncho, a large-scale mixed-use development in front of JR Itabashi...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Koyasan Tokyobetsuin

Tokyo, 2010

Koyasan Tokyo Betsuin exterior lighting project: We were in charge of the lighting plan for the renovation of the exterior. The overall b...


Wall Cloud

東京, 2014


Miurashin Architect+Associates

House in Torigoe

Tokyo, 2013


Miurashin Architect+Associates

Nikke Tetote Kakogawa

Hyogo, 2014




北海道, 2012

1学年1クラスの小規模小学校である。豪雪地である沼田町は、1年の大半が雪で閉ざされる環境にあるため、内部での子どもたちの活動を重視した、コンパクトでありながら様々な居場所を持つ学校をつくることを目指した。  南面する2階建ての教室部分以外は全て平屋とし、矩形平...

河口佳介 + K2-DESIGN


香川, 2015

Miurashin Architect+Associates

Hitotsubashi University the 100th Anniversary…

Kunitachi, Tokyo, 2015



大阪, 2017

コンラッド大阪は、中之島フェスティバルタワー・ウエストの最高層階に位置づけられている。 地上200メートルの高さは、大阪のビル群そして刻一刻と表情を変える広大なスカイラインを見渡すことができることから、プロジェクトのキーワードとなった「天空」を意識して、デザイン空間内に光り...


ローレルコート覚王山 モデルルーム

愛知, 2014

KMDW / Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop

Park City Hamadayama F Building

Tokyo, 2010

“Park City Hamadayama” is a multi-residential district that settles on a rich historical housing development called “Mi...

KMDW / Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop

Veneer House Project

Japan and other countries, 2014

Veneer Board is used worldwide because of its stability and quality, and by utilizing its characteristics with a new building method, peo...

Iijima Design

Kogakuin University Student Hall B-ICHI

Tokyo, 2015

デザインネットワーク | DNA


福岡県福岡市, 2012

屋外に広がる“学生ラウンジ” 九州産業大学における開学50 周年記念事業の一環として行われた、キャンパスの再整備事業である。九州産業大学のキャンパスにはランダムに配置された校舎、高低差のある地形、キャンパスを分断する水路といった様相があり、それらを積極的に活かしたランドス...

デザインネットワーク | DNA


福岡県福岡市, 2014

ホスピタル・パーク ランドスケープは主に1Fのホスピタルガーデンと4Fの屋上庭園で構成され、こども病院が海に隣接していることから「海」をキーワードにデザインを展開した。ファニチャーやパーゴラは、海の軟体動物や深海魚等を想起させる抽象的なデザインを施すことにより、子どもたち...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE

Joge Museum of History and Culture

Hiroshima, 2004

The History and Culture Center of Jyoge Town occupies an historical building which has seen many uses during its hundred years of existen...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE


Kagawa, 2005

The client is an artist using botanical seeds and driftwood. He collects various plants as a natural collector. He is a fully conversant ...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE


Kagawa, 2006

There are many ways to make a birds nest. Some birds make it on a well shaping tree, some make it on a swaying twig, in order to protect ...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE

Clinic of Glass

Kagawa, 2009

The client’s father (a surgeon) managed a clinic for a long time. On this time, the client practices as internal medicine. The demand of...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE


Kagawa, 2009

This building is our new office. We tried several things on this project. ・Structure → route 1-1 (Free brittleness structure) ・Experim...

Tadashi Saito + atelier NAVE

House in Shido

Kagawa, 2010

This house is built in the corner of decrepit new town (developed in the 70’s). The generation change begins in the town, the neighborrin...

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