
Akio Nakasa / Naf Architect & Design

Dual Channel House

Tokyo, 2009

This is a tunnel-like house with living rooms at the east and west end. The household of the client consists of three, a husband who is ...

Akio Nakasa / Naf Architect & Design


Kanagawa, 2017

A largest possible square floor plan was first drawn within the almost square lot of the house. Then a slightly smaller square plan was ...

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Rakuhoku

Kyoto, 2008

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Tondabayashi Ⅲ

Osaka, 2001

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Central dental clinic

ibaraki, 2017

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Kitakusu

Osaka, 1996

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Settu

Osaka, 2000

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Habikigaoka

Osaka, 2002

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Kurakuen

Hyogo, 2005

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Nasushiobara

Tochigi, 2009

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Shizuoka

Shizuoka, 2009

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Gein

Osaka, 2017


Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Shizuoka

Shizuoka, 2009

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Kagoshima

Kagoshima, 2014

Photos:Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Ichikawa

Chiba, 2012

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Edogawaku

Tokyo, 2010

Photos:Shigeo Ogawa

Hayato Komatsu Architects

House in Rakurakuen

Rakurakuen, 2016



愛媛, 2015

木に囲まれた吹抜けと中庭のある暮らし 施工 株式会社 富士造型(ASJ松山スタジオ) 照明 株式会社 ライト



大阪, 2014

眺望を楽しむ3つの連なる屋根の家 施工 IFA住宅設計室(ASJ枚方スタジオ) 照明 株式会社ライト



兵庫, 2012

港の傍の網元の家 施工 株式会社 宍粟住建(ASJ姫路スタジオ) 照明 コイズミ照明


LL house

神奈川, 2017

神奈川県逗子市の夫婦+子供のための住宅。 敷地は逗子駅から徒歩10分程度の山間の住宅地で、南側にはこんもりとした山がそびえる。冬季は暗くなりがちなこの環境に対して、建物の南側壁面を山とは反対の勾配にすることで、山の上に広がる空と繋がる建物とした。また建物東西においては金太郎...



長野, 2015

長野県松本市に位置する夫婦と子供のための住宅。敷地は西側と北側が道路、南側が川であり三方に開かれている。 建主は江戸指物師4代目の工芸家であり将来的には制作した家具等のギャラリーにもなるように計画。地元のカラマツ材を使い、床面積を確保しながらもローコストであることが求めら...


Kamakura 130

神奈川, 2012

三方を山に囲まれ一方を海に開く鎌倉に建つ住宅。 クライアントからは昔からそこに佇んでいたような家にしてほしいとの要望があった。そこで平面的には大きな場をつくるのではなく、少し台形の敷地にアジャストするよう小分けにした矩形のボリュームを雁行しながらも、中庭を形成するように配...



東京, 2006

東京都品川区大井に建つ若い夫婦のための住宅。 敷地は緩やかな傾斜地に位置し、前面道路を挟んだ向こう側には神社の緑がうかがえる。しかし、周囲は細分化した敷地に、素材や色彩の異なった矩形がパッチワークのごとく広がる。そこで大きく切れ込みの入った浮遊するV字型(2F)を周囲とは...

Yo Yamagata Architects


Chiba, 2017

This house was completed as Phase II construction on the same site as KKW, which was completed in 2016. The garden surrounded by large z...

Yo Yamagata Architects


Chiba, 2016

Phase I of a project to build two houses on a 440 tsubo site divided into two separate buildings. The existing trees on the north side of...



東京, 2017


Maniera Architect & Associates

Doma a House

Kyoto, 2017

Kyoto Uzumasa from which many movie companies are learned about by putting the photography location of the movie in a time formerly. A Bu...

Maniera Architect & Associates

Double Screen

Okinawa, 2016

A house in Toyomijo is located in Okinawa south west coast. It's the area where I developed suddenly in these several years, but a salt f...

Maniera Architect & Associates

View House

Hyogo, 2016

Sanjocho, Ashiya-city. Uptown of Ashiya, an uptown trunk line, Hankyu Corp. Kobe main line and JR Tokaido Main Line are an eminent uptown...

Maniera Architect & Associates

3 GardensHouse

Osaka, 2016

Old streets where an old family lines up are left in the old days for history in this place with Soji-ji ranked as one in 33 temples with...

EXH Planning Architecture Interior

Private residence in Kyoto

Kyoto, 2016

Mid of the local Japanese residential area in Kyoto, west side of the Royal palace (30 mins walking distance, 10 mins by bike), EXH desi...

Keisuke Maeda / UID


Nara, 2016

principal use : house structure: timber structure site area : 353.33qm total floor area : 210.68sqm building site : Nara completion date...

Maniera Architect & Associates

Stone Patio

Hyogo, 2015

I plan to build in an uptown a little way from a sea located in the Takasago-shi south side. Sanyo-shinkansen passes through neighborhood...

Maniera Architect & Associates

Guest House

Osaka, 2015

I plan to build weekend housing in a quiet residential area in Sakai-city, Osaka.   The site was facing the corner in an intersection, an...

Maniera Architect & Associates

Cross Wall

Hyogo, 2015

Developed Yamatecho can look Osaka-bay around from each house built in the south sloping ground around here in Ashiya river and Mt.Rokko ...

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